barry walsh
Live to Create
My name is Barry Walsh and I'm a creative digital media student in 4th year at MTU. I am a kind and empathetic person who is extremely loyal and hard-working. I am an organised person who loves setting goals for the present and future. 2013 was the first time I did a course in anything creative and since then being creative has been a big part of my life. I like to express myself in as many mediums as I can and love learning new things and put my all into everything that I do. Courses that I have done in the past range from Art to Graphic Design and Illustration to Digital Media. For my final year project, I am making a Flipbook Animation with a voiceover that aims to promote Mental Health awareness and empathy for people with Mental Health struggles. I aim to create more Digital Media content like this that has a higher purpose, to be entertaining and also to make a difference in the world. Currently seeking a career opportunity in a Junior Animation role to progress towards a future career as a 2D Animator. I have experience in a 13-week work placement at Wavebreak Media creating templates, logging them and publishing them.

Below are links to my LinkedIn Profile and to my YouTube channel