integration poster

I  made this poster for UX design module. The group I was in was tasked with making digital socially engaged art. For the module, we interviewed people from the community of people living in Carrigtwohill and focused on the topic of inclusion. The main point of the project was to build empathy with the community of Carrigtwohill. The person we interviewed shared her experience of living in Carrigtwhill having been a refugee who fled her country in euthopia and talked about her experience as a foreigner living in Ireland. She talked about how people use language such as tolerating when talking about getting on with people from various backgrounds and she expressed how tolerate is a terrible word to use as it sounds like you are just putting with someone as opposed to genuinely getting along with them and seeing them as an equal  So I decided to decided to represent that in a poster so to not tolerate but instead to integrate and include people from all backgrounds.

integration poster 2

This is the second poster I made for the assignment mentioned above and I based it on the same concept as the previous poster.

For this project, I was tasked with making my own choice of digital media for my portfolio. I decided to make 3 CD covers for the song Ain't it Fun from Paramore. I made 3 different versions of a CD cover with a different theme/style for each one. This theme was summer-happy.

The theme for this CD cover was a gaming theme. Specifically stylised like a typical 8-bit game. examples of 8-bit games are Super Mario on the Nintendo and Final Fantasy 1 on the Gameboy.

The theme for this CD cover was a HORROR theme.

tonal composition with custom shapes

tonal composition with custom shapes version 2

information graphics poster

for this module, we were tasked with making an infographic poster on a topic of our choice. I decided to make one on the topic of football in the modern day. Also part of the assignment was to use basic principles of design including hierarchy, Harmony, Unity, balance and contrast.

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