This Short Film is called Inner Demons: Labyrinth of the Soul. It's about a character trying to defeat his inner demons only to learn that when you defeat one inner demon another appears as everyone is always fighting some kind of inner demon. The main character wakes up and is sorting out his hair only to notice his reflection moving on its own and it taunts him to come closer. He touches the mirror and is transported into an inner world with neverending stairs representing him being stuck in his head. He hears voices as he enters new areas representing different insecurities that he has, being said to him by his inner demons. At the end, he faces his fears only to learn how his demons and insecurities weren't as big as he thought they were. He wakes up the following morning only to find his demons reappearing.
Short Film
The plot of the video is that the main character is walking home after leaving his friend's house. Then suddenly things turn dark and a mysterious person chases him. He runs for his life, trips, and is cornered. He starts hearing all of these voices. He fears the worst only to realise at the end that the person who had been chasing him the whole time has been his friend who hands him the medication that he left behind him showing that the whole experience of someone chasing him with the intention to hurt him was all in his head. The point of the story is that Everyone has a negative voice in their head, that tells them things like they aren't good enough or that we are a failure. What we must do is to ignore it or else we will never be able to live our best life.
Music video
I made a music video for the song Am I Asleep by Greywind. I wrote the script, was the cameraman, and I also edited the video. The concept is about the main character who is dreaming about past events but is dreaming over 2 different versions one that happened and one that didn't. It is not revealed until the end that all of the dreams that had a red tint were the real memories of what happened. To match the theme of the song which is about being okay despite all of the bad that has happened the main character looks back at all of the bad that has happened and sees the brighter side and laughs at all of the bad moments. For example, he laughs at the time he fell over dramatically and made a fool of himself.
Nature View trailer
For this project, I was tasked with making a trailer called Nature View for a documentary about nature and promoting being around nature to improve your mental health. I made it in the style of a trailer. I was in a group and I edited the footage together and added in some kinetic typography along with some interesting quotes about how important nature is that I thought suited the video.
A year in the life of a Creative Digital Media student - st. johns college
For this project, we made a video showcasing the course Digital Media that I studied in St. Johns College Cork. I put together interesting parts that I found from the various modules that I completed.
Green screen special effect
For this project, I was tasked with doing some kind of action in front of a green screen and editing myself disappearing using an effect. Also part of the task was to use Adobe After Effects to edit out the green screen by using the Rotobrush tool and to add a background video in with a concept behind the video that works well and makes sense with my action and suddenly disappearing. The action I chose was to make a thumbs-up gesture. The concept that I came up with was to show the weather where my character is getting worse and to show me doing a thumbs-up action to represent me using a superpower of changing the weather to better weather as soon as I make a thumbs-up gesture.